2019年4月6日 星期六
讓耳朵舒適一下ptt美物推薦【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)材質是合板還是單板嗎音色表現有差異嗎
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)品質好嗎耐用嗎Ptt及mobile01有很多人推薦嗎
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)評價高嗎音色好嗎可以把聲音錄到電腦裡嗎
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)換線簡單嗎手指頭操作久了會變形嗎還有什麼缺點需要注意
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)重量輕嗎好攜帶嗎有開箱心得文可以看嗎
【CARLSBRO 吉他音箱】多功能烏克麗麗、木吉他專用音箱 / 贈導線 / 10W(SHERWOOD 10)低音表現好嗎高音會刺耳嗎需要常常調音嗎
The original Sherwood Acoustic Guitar Combo was launched and one of the very first guitar amplifiers to enter the market and for over 30 years used throughout the world by the most highly respected acoustic guitar players. Today the ‘Sher-wood’ once again leads the way with their warmth and clarity. When reinventing the Sherwood acoustic combo the Carlsbro R&D team, based in England listened to fans of the Sherwood from around the world and have now incorporated a tiltback cabinet design and using new technology have developed two new models in both mono and stereo for todays acous-tic guitar player.